บริษัท รีเฟอร์เอ็กซเพรส จำกัด

รหัสผู้ประกอบการ : EM17070067

ThaiReefer Group is a leading refrigerated logistics provider headquartered in Nadee, Samutsakorn.
We help Thai factories export their wonderful food to the world. ThaiReefer is not managed like a big company so every staff gets the opportunity to develop and grow.A study by University of New South Wales revealed that ThaiReefer rank better in terms of staff happiness better than large multinational organisations. This Accounting / Finance Manager position will be a key role in the business. This is your opportunity to make a difference and we would love to hear from you if you are interested to join and grow with us.For more information about us visit

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  • บริษัท รีเฟอร์เอ็กซเพรส จำกัด
  • 128 ม.12 ต.อ้อมน้อย
    อำเภอกระทุ่มแบน จังหวัดสมุทรสาคร 74130
  • Tel : 034-466044
  • Fax : 034-466066
  • Website :
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