รหัสผู้ประกอบการ : EM20050006
For 25 years, U2Bio has accumulated IT-experience while developing EMR, PHR, E-commerce, etc. With this, we have created a Medical/Healthcare IT infrastructure and a Bio Service to gain greater value. As the CEO of the newly established venture business, I have faced all sorts of hardships in the constantly changing environment and have experienced the important transitions that came along with the arrival of the U-Healthcare era. Some changes include the acceptance of for-profit medical corporations, openings of new medical markets, and the start of civilian medical insurance in Korea. We will always make an effort to identify and provide counsel of abrupt changes in the medical environment in order to efficiently aid the operations of hospital and clinic functions.
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- บริษัทยูทูไบโอไทย์แลนด์
- 629/398 ถนนสาธุประดิษฐ์ บางโพงพาง ยานนาวา กรุงเทพ 10120
เขตสาทร กรุงเทพมหานคร 10120 - Tel : 0957092666
- Website : https://www.u2bio.co.th/
- Facebook Fanpage : https://www.facebook.com/U2Bio-Thailand-575285802532714/