MKS Jewelry International Co., Ltd
รหัสผู้ประกอบการ : EM16020245
MKS Jewelry International Co., Ltd. brings over 35 years of experience in the jewelry industry to our customers. Since 1992, MKS has been operating our production facilities in GEMOPOLIS, PRAWET an exclusive tax-free-zone located a short trip outside of the Bangkok's city center. MKS can boast of being one of Thailand's large jewelry manufacturers and the first to introduce the invisible setting design in Thailand.
With over 400 employees involved in every facet of jewelry manufacturing in Thailand, we are capable of meeting the ever-growing demands of the world market. MKS is committed to providing all our staff members with the required amount of in-house training needed to ensure these elevated expectations have been obtained. It is in this environment where the true "artists" are at work designing new products. From this commitment, MKS has built a reputation for creating a worker-friendly environment that benefits all customers, shareholders and employees alike.
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- MKS Jewelry International Co., Ltd
- นิคมอุตสหกรรมอัญธานี
47/1 หมู่ 4 แขวงดอกไม้ เขตประเวศ
เขตประเวศ กรุงเทพมหานคร 10250 - Tel : 02-727-0150
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