Orion Healing Centre
รหัสผู้ประกอบการ : EM16020120
Orion Healing Centre is a Detox, Health, Yoga, Healing Retreat and raw vegan restaurant situated amidst the beautiful and rejuvenating nature of Srithanu Bay, Koh Phangan. With varieties of health packages we offer to customers, including the colonic detox, yoga retreat, healthy living program, holistic healing therapy, are all designed to re-instil balance to your mind, body and soul, restoring your natural sense of serenity and vitality.
One of the famous vegan and raw cafe on island, Orion Cafe offers a huge variety menu of healthy vegan diet that promotes the good health inside out. All recipe made from natural ingredients, cruelty free and taste fantastic. With 2 yoga shalas by the beach, we offer our customers the full yoga schedule all day long from beginner to advance class. We are fast growing company and would like to have people who have the same interest to join our team.
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- Orion Healing Centre
- 15/2 หมู่ 8 ศรีธนู เกาะพะงัน สุราษฎ์ธานี 84280
อำเภอเกาะพะงัน จังหวัดสุราษฎร์ธานี 84280 - Tel : 0816223374
- Website : http://www.orionhealing.com